Monday, November 7, 2011

Trick or Treat!

We had a fun, candy filled Halloween this year!  Sam dressed up as Woody the Cowboy from his favorite movie, Toy Story.  We went back to the same street we always go to (Brook Street) where the street is completely blocked off (no cars allowed), the houses are completely decorated, and there are hundreds of kids running around - so much fun!!  Sam was ready to go home and count his candy after about an hour which worked out really well for me and my swollen, 9 month pregnant feet :) 

Here are some pictures from our Halloween...

 There's my favorite cowboy!

My family :)  Probably the last photo as a family of 3!! 

Off to Brook Street to trick or treat! 

Not sure if he wants to go up those stairs, haha! 

Quick candy break! 


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