Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Lot to be Thankful For...

We had a really nice Thanksgiving this year. Craig was home for his first Thanksgiving in 2 years! We are so thankful to have him home safe and sound! We are also very thankful for our friends and family including the newest member of our own family, Sam :-) We have a happy, healthy baby boy that brightens every single just doesn't get any better than that! It was so great to have Sam participate it the food fest with us this year! Grandma Jane made some delicious Thanksgiving dishes, including her world famous cinnomon rolls for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning :-) Sam was lucky enough to experience his first cinnomon roll and loved it! Before our big meal Craig went to help serve soldiers their Thanksgiving meals at the cafeteria here on post. After stuffing ourselves sick we continued on at a friends house for dessert! Although we were sad to see Thanksgiving go (since it is a no calorie counting day!) we are looking forward to our upcoming tropical vacation and then CHRISTMAS! We have A LOT to be thankful for :-)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Grandma Jane Is Here!

Grandma Jane arrived yesterday to spend Thanksgiving week with us :-) We are very excited to have her here! Today we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and spend some time together ouside!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cheap Thrills (Craig titled this one!)

As most new parents tend to do, we spoil our kids with fun new toys! Craig and I love to go out and buy Sam a toy that we think he will love!! While he does enjoy something new and different (particularly if it lights up and sings!), Sam also is finding other odds and ends around the house that he also likes to play with. Tupperware has been a favorite for months now! A few weeks ago he discovered Gus' toy basket and was entertained for hours (although Gus was not thrilled about this!). And as we have been bringing up our hoilday decorations, Sam loves to climb into our empty rubbermaid storage bins and giggle :-) I love that he can find entertainment in such simple things!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Sam has recently become very aware of what and when Craig and I are eating something - he wants to taste everything! Within the last week he has tried many new tastes but one of his favorite is apples. Now that Sam insists on sampling what we eat, Craig and I are starting to share with Sam which has been really fun! Once we get down to the core of the apple we let Sam go to you can see :-)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our Trip to Oz!

Today we decided to take a day trip to Wamego, KS to check out the Oz Museum. You have to visit the Oz Museum if you live in Kansas, right? The outside looked much different than I had pictured it - very un"museum-like" (is that a word?). It's a very small museum but has lots of neat stuff to look at! Sam really liked looking at all of the life size Wizard of Oz characters! Afterwards we had lunch at Todo's Tacoz :-) I think Craig enjoyed this part of our day the most!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween with Sam this year! Obviously he's too young to go out trick-or-treating, so we sat outside with our neighbors and handed out candy together. We had a good crowd this year and thankfully we didn't run out of candy! After the trick-or-treating ended we all headed out to the neighborhood Halloween Party :-)