Friday, November 27, 2009


The Cochran's had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! As you can see, Sam thoroughly enjoyed the pie eating part :) He ate my pie AND Craig's pie...piggy!

Doubling fisting forks to ensure he gets down as much pie as possible!

Sam is working off all of that pie flying around the playroom!

Thankful for my happy, healthy family!

and my Gus!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Sam had a great Halloween this year - as you can see he was Batman! The picture above was taken a few days before Halloween - Sam was on his way to his 1st Halloween Party :)

Sam refused to wear his Batman mask on Halloween night - we tried but he was very insistant on keeping it OFF! The picture above was taken before we started our Trick-or-Treating adventure!

Sam is ready to go!

We walked a few blocks up from our house to a street that is completely blocked off on Halloween - no cars allowed so the kids can safely run around from house to house. I was so impressed - this neighborhood was decked out with ALL the Halloween decorations! Sam loved just standing in front of each hosue looking at the lights and listening to the spooky music!

Our 1st house!

Craig did a great job teaching Sam how the whole "Trick-or-Treating" thing works! Didn't take Sam long to figure it out :)

Just a few of the houses we visited...

Sam tasted his first sour patch kid in the picture above...he made the yucky face but then asked for more!

Sam's loot :)