Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Carving pumpkins before we head out trick-or-treating!

Sam is an excellent pumpkin scooper!

 Craig managed to get my Gus in this shot...too bad he's not paying attention!

 Daddy and happy Sam :)

 Spiderman says,"Let's GO!"

 Sam decides riding his bike is the best way to get around the!

Found his first house...

He is already saying "trick-or-treat" before the door even opens :)  We also practiced saying "thank you" after he gets the treat...he put his own twist on it and said "dank you" and "danks!"

Made it to our favorite cars, lots of kids, great decorations!


Loved this house!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Grandma Jane visits Boston!

We were all so excited to have Grandma Jane fly to Boston for a visit last week!  We took her to our favorite spot in Boston while she was here - the Boston Garden - it was a gorgeous fall day!