Sunday, March 29, 2009

Our little Sam is 1!!!

We had so much fun celebrating Sam's 1st birthday! He turned 1 on March 26th. We went about our usual routine on his special day except Sam was given a present to open every few hours :-) By dinner time he was a pro at tearing through wrapping paper!
A new farm from Daddy and Mommy.
Fridge magnets that play music :-)
This Sesame Street bag kept Sam busy for a LONG time! It took him a while to figure out that there was a gift inside :-)
YAY - new tonka cars to drive around the house!!
Sam was VERY busy with his new toys so I was lucky to get a second of his time for a picture!
This is such a fun toy given to Sam by his Oma and Grandpa - it's just like a Tickle Me Elmo, except it's Cookie Monster!
A new Elmo book!
What a handsome 1 year old we have :-)
Mmmm - this was definitely a birthday highlight for Sam!
He ate every single crumb and when he realized it was gone, he started to lick the frosting off of his fingers, haha!

It amazes me that Sam has been apart of our lives for a whole year already! I am shocked at how quickly time is going by!! Sam's birthday was a bit emotional for me - I think because I just feel so truly happy and lucky to have such an amazing little boy! He has brought so much joy, love, and laughter into our home and I just don't know how we ever lived without him! Happy Birthday my sweet Sam :-)

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